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What's Your Starting Point?

Starting Point Divorce Advocacy provides direction, strategies and restorative financial and life plans to clients at any stage of separation and divorce. Together, tomorrow is a better day.

Maybe you feel stuck or unsure of your next step… and you want to make the right decision. We are your Starting Point to discover the answers you need for your best life.
your divorce journey is unique - nashville divorce help
1 - Should I Stay in this marriage? or Should I go? 

2 - Who should Move out? 

3 - When is the Right Time to get a divorce? 

4 - Which Attorney should I use? 

5 - How will I Protect myself financially? 

6 - I’m Afraid of spouse…. Will this make it worse for me? 

7 - How do we Tell the Children? How does divorce affect them? 

8 - I just got served and I’m angry, hurt, numb... everything.  What do I do?

9 - What will People Think of me if I get divorced? 

10 - Whose side will our Friends take?
1 - I’m Overwhelmed. Where do I even Start? 

2 - What do I need to Live On for my future? Will I get alimony? 

3 - How can I be Confident in asking for what I need from my attorney and/or spouse? 

4 - What’s the legal Divorce Process? 

5 - Can I keep the House? and Schools for my children? 

6 - Who gets Custody of the children? 

7 - What if I don’t Work and he cleans out our accounts? 

8 - Will the children and I still have Health Insurance? 

9 - How do I create a Parenting visitation plan? 

10 - Can he Introduce the children to his new lover?
1 - Do I need a job immediately? 

2 - He isn’t honoring the Parenting Plan, now what? 

3 - The Child support or alimony are late… what do I do? 

4 - I’m still angry. How can I let go and move on? 

5 - I feel ashamed and alone. Where was God in this? 

6 - All my friends are married. How do I reconnect socially? 

7 - How do I get his name off the deed or car note? 

8 - Will I find love again? 

9 - I’m financially struggling and can’t live on my income/alimony while I get back into the workforce? Now what? 

10 - How do we co-parent kindly?
1 - Should I Stay in this marriage? or Should I go? 

2 - Who should Move out? 

3 - When is the Right Time to get a divorce? 

4 - Which Attorney should I use? 

5 - How will I Protect myself financially?

6 - I’m Afraid of my spouse…. Will this make it worse for me? 

7 - How do we Tell the Children? How does divorce affect them? 

8 - I just got served and I’m angry, hurt, numb... everything.  What do I do?

9 - What will People Think of me if I get divorced? 

10 - Whose side will our Friends take?
1 - I’m Overwhelmed. Where do I even Start? 

2 - What do I need to Live On for my future? Will I get alimony? 

3 - How can I be Confident in asking for what I need from my attorney and/or spouse? 

4 - What’s the legal Divorce Process? 

5 - Can I keep the House? and Schools for my children? 

6 - Who gets Custody of the children? 

7 - What if I don’t Work and he cleans out our accounts? 

8 - Will the children and I still have Health Insurance? 

9 - How do I create a Parenting visitation plan? 

10 - Can he Introduce the children to his new lover?
1 - Do I need a Job immediately? 

2 - He isn’t honoring the Parenting Plan, now what? 

3 - The Child Support or Alimony are late… what do I do? 

4 - I’m still Angry. How can I Let Go and move on? 

5 - I feel Ashamed and Alone. Where was God in this? 

6 - All my friends are married. How do I Reconnect Socially? 

7 - How do I get his name off the Deed or car note? 

8 - Will I Find Love again? 

9 - I’m Financially Struggling and can’t live on my income/alimony while I get back into the workforce? Now what? 

10 - How do we Co-Parent kindly?
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